Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Week #9 - The last week of my first transfer!

Hey Champs!
I'm officially in my last week of my first transfer! I don't know if I'll get transferred or not next week- we'll find out like two days before. I'll be able to let everyone know in my next email if I'm going. I've got mixed feelings about it. It would be really cool to stay here with my companion. I really like the area though and the people are great, so I don't know. I've got a really cool zone here too. We'll see I suppose.
As for awesome news, we had two investigators at church!! Last Wednesday we had an incredible lesson with Kara and she kept talking about how good she felt about everything. She said everything seems leading her toward the church (even though people are giving her a hard time about it) and now she's finally accepting that it's probably what she needs to do. So, she agreed to come to church and really enjoyed it- all the talks ended up being perfect for what she needed to hear so the Lord was definitely helping us out. She got really excited and said for our lesson this Wednesday she's cooking us brunch.
We also had that girl Emily (I think I mentioned her last week) call us and ask where the singles branch was so she could go. She ended up knowing ten people there so it went really well too- she's planning on coming next week and we're going to teach her a little bit. I don't know if I ever said anything about this- my companion and I cover the fourth ward and also the singles branch. So, it was nice to have someone attend each one and make both sides happy.
The Relief Society President at BYU Summer term while I was Elders Quorum President's name is Annie. It turns out her family lives in my ward, and she was home for this week and leaves for BYU in a couple of days. So, we had a little catch-up talk and that was kinda cool. Can't say I expected to run into many people I knew on my mission.
That's about all I've got over here. It was a crazy busy week. We had to make up for the slowness of last week, and I think we did alright. Thankfully, I still haven't caught any sickness, but I'm knocking on wood as we speak.
Much love to all you peeps! Marshmallow Peeps are so gross.

Elder Al