Monday, September 28, 2009

Week #61 - Bah


I'm pretty limited on email time today, because for some reason my ldsmail account isn't working. So, I can't read my email from President, I can't read any emails that were sent to that account, and also I'm frustrated. But, this week was spectacular. I actually didn't really get to do much missionary work until Thursday, but even so it was excellent. Tuesday we had our leadership council with President in Santa Rosa which was AWESOME and it went from about 9 to 4. Then, the next day we had our zone conference which was incredible as well. President blew our minds and topped himself again this transfer. I think it's safe to say no one was disappointed. We've been extremely busy and doing all we can to get the work rolling in Ukiah. On Saturday we were greatly blessed and picked up a new investigator, some solid contacts and referrals, and overall, things just went really well. We were pretty excited. At this point we're at a spot where we know there's a lot of good potential work, and we're just praying that it doesn't all fall through and end up being a disappointment (which unfortunately seems to always happen when you think life is great). So, we'll see!

We set some goals for our zone on Tuesday and went around presenting them to the districts as well as teaching some things that President wanted us to. Our zone used to be two and it's now combined, making it the biggest and it covers an insane amount of area (about three hours from one end to the other). So, we can't really get the whole zone together, and Elder Berry and I made a zone tour on Thursday and Friday. Well, the first two districts were great and very excited about everything- pumped and motivated to make stuff happen. The last district, however, caused our meeting to be the most ridiculous one I've ever been to. About ten minutes in, one missionary informed us that nothing we said was motivating. Then, when we talked about our goals, NO ONE in the entire district thought it was reachable. They said how they'd prayed for baptisms before and didn't get them. All in all, that one's going to be a struggle. The sad part was they all agreed with each other. Eight Missionaries. That's pathetic. Other than that though, the gospel's still true, prayer works (I KNOW it does), unity brings miracles (I know that too) and we're reaching our goals!!!

Elder B