Monday, September 7, 2009

Week #58 - Transfers...Just kidding!

Hey everyone! And Happy Birthday the Vreg!!!

Sorry to disappoint, but transfers aren't this week. One more left. But, it'll be exciting to see what happens- I don't know if I'll be sticking around here or not. Our area's been a little slow lately, so I'd feel kinda bad to have to leave when it's at a low point. But, we'll see- I've been here over four months. This week was pretty good- we're making some good progress with a few of our investigators so life is good. We ran into a lot of bashers this week which is always a blast (ugh...) but it was still nice.

I kinda wish I had a bit more to update everyone really was a good week though. We're still working to set a few baptismal dates with some investigators. James W. (the one living with his girlfriend) sounds like he's going to be a while- but he knows what has to happen. His girlfriend is unwilling to be married regardless, so she told him to allow her time to find another place to live. Probably a couple more months at the minimum...but I guess it's at least a work in progress now. We have another investigator named Wally who's read pretty much everything and developed a very strong testimony- but his work keeps him from 9am-1pm every Sunday so he can't make church. As soon as he does he's getting baptized- he really wants to. We're praying for him! Well, that's about all I've got. Sorry it's a little short this week.

I hope all is well at home and the gospel's true!
Elder B