Monday, December 8, 2008

Week #23 - A Brighter Yellow

Hey pants!

Still kickin in ol' California. I had an insane case of food poisoning up until yesterday. Pretty rough. The last couple days consisted of me blowing up out of each end. Please make sure that makes the blog.

Anywho, I'm pretty recovered now, and Cara gave me a haircut this morning, so things are looking up. I don't have a whole lot to report this week due to said sickness, but things are excellent. One of our investigators named Ann just made a major turn. She started asking about modern day prophets and why they were important and stuff- she mentioned how she'd heard a lot about Joseph Smith but not too much about a prophet today and was curious. We had a REALLY good discussion and she really started to see how everything applied to her and why this stuff is actually important which was a MAJOR breakthrough with her. We also taught Cara's best friend this week (sadly she lives out of our area, but Cara invited her to sit in on a lesson) and it went VERY well. She's golden. She kept saying how all of her questions kept getting answered throughout the lesson and she couldn't believe how perfect it all was. We told her at the end how the Lord will answer our prayers if we ask Him with faith and then mentioned a bit how the Spirit speaks, and she said "Oh trust me, I've felt it. I feel it right now- I know it's all true. It's incredible." She had a bunch of questions that led STRAIGHT into the Plan of Salvation, so basically I wish she was in our area and we could keep teaching her. Oh the ol' gospel. Too true for school.

I was asked to sing a really cool song for our Zone Developement Council called My Shepard Will Supply My Need. It went really well. Pants.

Welp, I don't really have much else. Hope you all have a splendid week and what not!

Elder Al