Hi Everyone!
I'm way low on time, so here's a quick experience and then I'll finish things up:
Every night, Elder Bankhead and I have our walk through town where we try and talk to as many people as we can. We began noticing our lack of success, and so we started praying about what we could do to make them more effective. We decided that each night we would decide on a good gospel topic to discuss with each other to keep ourselves totally focused as we walked through town. To start out, we figured it'd be cool to share good spiritual experiences that we've had or other people we know have had. We had a pretty amazing discussion and we were both feeling really good- and we decided to take a few different turns that we don't normally take. Out walks this guy about our age dribbling a basketball- and he comes over to talk to us. We taught him basically the entire first lesson and he gave us his number and took ours. He was asking a ton of questions and it was AWESOME. About ten minutes later, we were about to end our walk but decided to go talk to a couple people we saw at a bus stop. One guy was really weird, and the other one was (again) a guy about our age. At first he wasn't too interested, then we mention "God's plan for us" and he was blown away. "You know God's plan for us?" We taught the entire plan of Salvation along with most of the first lesson as well, and bore testimony of how Christ brings us happiness and how we can draw strength from his atonement. He loved it, gave us his number, and wants us to teach him and his girfriend!
Long story short, the gospel is true.
Elder B
Monday, February 1, 2010
Week #79 - Baxters Anonymous
Posted by Mary C. Balagna at 5:29 PM