Monday, December 22, 2008

Week #25 - Merry Crimbo!

I can't wait to talk to everyone this week!

Speaking of outrageous, news for this week:

We picked up two new investigators tracting- both very cool and one was for the singles ward which is pretty awesome. He's a very cool guy and had lots of good questions. We're meeting again tomorrow afternoon.

Annie (the girl I knew from BYU) is back in town again and it's still weird. Pretty cool though. What are the odds? She has a bunch of my friends in her phone and she was texting them saying how I was in her house. Crazy.

Our host family is having us (or I guess keeping us...since we live there) for Christmas which should be way fun.

Cara's husband is softening up a TON toward the church...awesome. Pretty amazing.
Speaking of Cara, she bought us REALLY nice sweaters and ties for Christmas (not the one I'm wearing in the video- she got me a somewhat similar style that's green). The tie's awesome too.

Other than that, thanks a lot for the mail this week and thank you so much the Decatur 1st Ward and the Isons for the packages they sent!!

My presents might be a little late this year for everyone. Sorry. Hehe.

Much love
all around!
Elder Al