Monday, August 24, 2009

Week #56 - Clippers and Flightplans

Hey everyone!
This week had a nice finish. It began as another struggle with lots of lesson cancellations and other stuff. Apparently, along with the calling of a missionary also comes the ability (and time) to find any genealogical information (i.e. Joseph Smith's great-great-great grandparents' names) total knowledge of California/U.S. Law- not only that, but great hookups, resources, and free attorneys. On Sunday a member told us that we need to figure out that genealogy for a friend of his by next week. After informing him that it wasn't going to happen, he replied "You'll figure it out." Our investigator James, for the past two months has been waiting on us to get all this legal information for marrying his girlfriend. He needed us to find attorneys in church to talk to who could give him all the answers to his questions. BUT: Prayer works. We knew James was just stalling because he knows his girlfriend (although they've lived together 20 years) doesn't want to marry him even if it's the least amount of "marriage" you can possibly have (confidential marriage) and he knows it'll come down to him having to move out. So, he's used this excuse of (in essence) telling us that the ball's in our court for about two months now. We've been praying constantly that somehow things would work out soon. Last Sunday, a high councilman was in PEC and heard our situation and said he had a client that James could talk to. He gave us all the information that week and got her to agree to a half an hour of a totally free question/answer session in this woman's office (she deals with all sorts of marriages and legal issues). That day, we called James and told him he needed to do it and call this woman. He told us yesterday that he couldn't sleep that whole night after we gave him the information and in the morning he knew that the reason was because he hadn't called yet and he was putting it off. He said the Holy Spirit told him in the morning to call, he did, and that day he went in and talked to her. He got all his answers, presented it to his girlfriend, and she still won't marry him. So, now he knows what has to happen and we'll see if he's willing.

Our president interviews were amazing this week. It made me feel a ton better about how the work's going in this area. Everything seemed as though it was at a hault for a while, but things really picked up towards the end of the week and President made me feel a whole lot more comfortable about not seeing progress at the moment.

Life is fantastic! The gospel's true, have a good week, and I love missionary work!
Elder B