Monday, March 2, 2009

Week #35 - Scandanavian Artichokes with Whipped Cream

This was quite a week. Missionary work's the bomb. We've been working our hineys off and picking up new investigators and teaching and studying and it's been amazing. This week I've been working with Elder Chaichana (the one from Thailand who majored in music at BYU Hawaii) on a musical fireside we're going to do on the 22nd. It's going to be cooler than anything ever. He's incredible on the piano and so we're working on a bunch of songs to tie into everything. Most of the Stake's going to be involved so we're pretty pumped. I got to do my first baptismal interviews yesterday- it was a WAY cool experience. One was a fifty year old man and we had a really good discussion. He told me about how he'd been to so many churches and he never had been so impressed with the standards (and the people who actually try to live up to the standards) in any of them. He said this gospel has changed his life and he had an incredible testimony of all the different aspects of it. Then, I interviewed his daughter who was 13 but a very impressive girl- she was the same way. Definitely made my day. The ol' spirit was pretty strong with both interviews- I could feel they're desire to follow Christ. Good stuff!
Well, that's about all I've got for the week. I got some good videos of songs and stuff to send home soon- have a good week!

Elder B